1. Loan
- 1.1. General loan conditions
- 1.1.1. Can I borrow books if I am not a member of this University?
- 1.1.2. Do users with functional diversity have longer loan times?
- 1.1.3. How many books can I check out and for how long?
- 1.1.4. How can I know which books I have borrowed and until when?
- 1.1.5. Why are you asking me for a book I have already returned?
- 1.1.6. How can I know which books I have borrowed on a particular date?
- 1.1.7. Can I borrow books from any UPV library?
- 1.1.8. I can't come to the library for justified reasons. Can I delegate the loan?
- 1.1.9. Do the Departments have any type of special loan?
- 1.2. Renewal
- 1.3. Hold request
- 1.4. Replacing lost books
- 1.5. Blocks and fines
- 1.6. Laptop loan
- 1.6.1. Which libraries lend laptops and for how long?
- 1.6.2. How long can I borrow a laptop for?
- 1.6.3. Which laptops can be borrowed from UPV Libraries?
- 1.6.4. Which programmes are installed on the laptops?
- 1.6.5. How can I search for laptops in the catalogue?
- 1.6.6. How can I use Polilabs on laptops?
- 1.6.7. How do I connect to laptops?
- 1.6.8. What should I do if I lose or damage a Library laptop?
- 1.7. Loan between Valencian universities
- 1.8. Interlibrary loan
2. Bibliographic searches and Polibuscador
- 2.1. PoliBuscador and My Library
- 2.2. Books and films
- 2.3. Journals
- 2.4. Databases
- 2.4.1. Do I need a username/password to access an electronic resource?
- 2.4.2. Can I acces to all articles that I find in databases?
- 2.4.3. If I am already logged in, why am I asked for a password when trying to access an article or a database?
- 2.4.4. How can I enable the "full text access" option in Google Scholar off-campus?
- 2.5. E-books
- 2.6. UNE standards
- 2.7. Theses and dissertations
- 2.8. Subject searching
- 2.9. Connecting from outside UPV
3. Libraries and access
- 3.1. Access to the libraries
- 3.3. University card
- 3.4. Wifi
- 3.5. Printers and computers
- 3.6. Group rooms
4. Training and support
5. Acquisitions and donations
6. Copyright and Intellectual Property
- 6.1. Copyright, PoliformaT and scientific portals
- 6.2. Preventing plagiarism
- 6.3. Creative Commons Licences
- 6.4. Permitted uses of copyrighted works
- 6.5. Thesis by published works
- 6.6. Publishing new works based on previous ones: publication of doctoral theses
- 6.7. UPV regulations and policy on publication
- 6.8. Copyright in own works
7. Support for research
- 7.1. Registering congresses and journals in Senia
- 7.2. Funding agencies and open access
- 7.2.1. What are the Horizon Europe requirements for open access?
- 7.2.2. What are the Horizon 2020 requirements for open access?
- 7.2.3. What are the requirements of Plan S for open access?
- 7.2.4. What are the requirements of the State Plan regarding open access?
- 7.2.5. What are the open access requirements of the Programme for the Promotion of R&D&I in Comunitat Valenciana?
- 7.2.6. What do I have to do to meet my funders' open access requirements?
- 7.3. Accreditations and six-year periods
- 7.4. Scientific signature, ORCID and other scientific identifiers
- 7.4.1. How should I sign my publications?
- 7.4.2. What is ORCID?
- 7.4.3. Feeding your ORCID profile with your publications. Can I move my publications from ORCID to ResearcherID, ScopusID, Google Scholar Citations or Mendeley and vice versa?
- 7.4.4. Can I move my publications from Senia to ORCID, ResearcherID or ScopusID and vice versa?
- 7.4.5. Can I move my publications from ResearcherID to ScopusID and vice versa?
- 7.5. Mendeley and other reference managers
- 7.6. Publication strategies
- 7.6.1.What articles can the UPV finance for open-access publication, within the framework of the transformative agreements?
- 7.6.10. How to cite papers?
- 7.6.11. What is the DOI?
- 7.6.2.What are the UPV’s requirements for financing the open-access publication of an article, within the framework of transformative agreements?
- 7.6.3.How to request the UPV’s financing for open publication, within the framework of the transformative agreements
- 7.6.4.How can I know if there is available budget, within the framework of the transformative agreements, for the UPV to fund the open-access publication of an article?
- 7.6.5. Where do I publish an article and how do I choose the journal where to publish?
- 7.6.6. How to avoid predatory publishers?
- 7.6.7. How to write an addendum to a publisher agreement in order to disseminate your work as open access?
- 7.6.8. How much does it cost to publish in open access? What are APCs?
- 7.6.9. What discounts can I get for payments of APCs?
- 7.7. Management of research data
- 7.7.1. What are the Horizon2020 requirements for managing research data?
- 7.7.10. How is research data cited in a job?
- 7.7.2. Does all the data of a Horizon 2020 project have to be open?
- 7.7.3. What are the State Plan requirements for managing research data?
- 7.7.4. Does all the project data of the last call of the State Plan have to be open?
- 7.7.5. What is a DMP (Data Management Plan)?
- 7.7.6. Where is research data / dataset stored?
- 7.7.7. What licenses are used to share research data?
- 7.7.8. What are the FAIR principles in relation to research data?
- 7.7.9. What storage services does the UPV offer to store the data during the research?
- 7.8. Scientific journals in PoliPapers
8. RiuNet and Open Access
- 8.1. Scientific publications
- 8.1.1. How can I upload my scientific publications to RiuNet?
- 8.1.2. Can I disseminate an article or a paper in RiuNet when it has already been published with reserved rights?
- 8.1.3. What are embargo periods?
- 8.1.4. Why my article is not in RiuNet?
- 8.1.5. Can I get a copy of a closed access document in RiuNet?
- 8.1.6. Why does the signature on the publications not match in RiuNet?
- 8.2. Academic papers (TFG - bachelor's degree dissertations, TFM - master's degree dissertations)
- 8.2.1. How can I upload my academic work to RiuNet?
- 8.2. 10. What type of copyright license should I choose for my TFG or TFM?
- 8.2.2. How can I request the restriction of publicity for reasons of confidentiality of my TFG or TFM?
- 8.2.3. How can I change the type of access permission to my TFG or TFM?
- 8.2.4. What do I do if I have forgotten the PIN to change the type of dissemination of my TFG or TFM?
- 8.2.5. Why my TFG or TFM is not in RiuNet?
- 8.2.6. Can an academic work published in RiuNet be modified?
- 8.2.7. Can a student of a master's program upload his or her Master's Thesis in Open Access to RiuNet?
- 8.2.8. Why can't I access my academic work despite authorizing it as open access?
- 8.2.9. Do I lose any copyright when I upload my works to RiuNet?
- 8.3. UPV Theses and dissertations
- 8.3.1. How can I upload my thesis to RiuNet?
- 8.3.2. Can I disseminate in RiuNet a thesis by collection of articles with reserved rights ?
- 8.3.3. Can I disseminate my thesis in RiuNet, if I want to publish it later on?
- 8.3.4. Can I disseminate my thesis in RiuNet if it contains confidential information, or if I want to patent an invention?
- 8.4. Datasets
- 8.5. Six-year research periods