In Spain, the 2017-2020 State Plan sets out the following criteria for open access:
- All works published in scientific journals funded through the State Plan must be deposited in institutional and/or international open access repositories (article 37 of Act 14/2011, of 1 June, on Science, Technology and Innovation, and recommendations related to the European agenda in matters of open access and open science)
- Funded R&D&I projects may optionally include a management plan for research data that will be deposited in institutional, national and/or international repositories once the project is complete and the associated funding term has passed.
- All situations in which data must be protected for reasons of confidentiality, security, protection, etc., or when necessary for the commercial exploitation of the results, must be respected.
- Both the researchers' curricular evaluation and the ex post evaluation of the funded actions will take into account the works published as open access in national and/or international institutional and thematic repositories, and also the availability of the research data in open access
- A specific indicator is established to measure open access for scientific publications: Percentage of open access publications out of the total. The Spanish Science and Technology Foundation is in charge of monitoring this.