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Árbol de páginas

In RiuNet, the UPV's institutional repository, there is a Datasets collection, where research data from UPV entities and/or services, as well as projects in which UPV researchers participate, can be deposited.

Acceptance conditions:

  • The data must have been produced:
    • Within projects in which UPV researchers participate.
    • By UPV entities and/or services.
  • The authors of the data must be able to grant the necessary rights to the UPV to ensure the correct distribution and preservation of the data through RiuNet.
  • If the dataset contains personal data, the national and international regulations on personal data protection must be taken into account.
  • The type of version of the data to be deposited must be indicated: raw data, processed data, final version, etc.
  • The data should be properly organised in order to facilitate their understanding and re-use. To this end, the following recommendations shall be followed:
    • Name of the files.
    • Formats of the data files.
    • Documentation of the data files.
  • Although several research data files can be deposited, each file should not exceed 2 GB in size.