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 the end of 2012, Universitat Politècnica de València's Governing Board approved the Scientific integrity and best research practices policy.

Its preamble states that the aims and means of the research must be consistent with the intrinsic value of humans and the dignity of people, with transparency and accountability in scientific activity among the ethical principles to be respected in good scientific practice.

The regulations define scientific malpractice as any fabrication, falsification or plagiarism when proposing, carrying out or reviewing research or publishing its results; after going over some unacceptable conducts, these regulations end with a series of recommendations.

UPV also has regulations on the protection and transfer of intellectual and industrial property rights, approved in 2012.

The regulations establish ownership of the results of research activities, and how they are to be communicated. It deals with issues relating to intellectual and industrial property generated within the university, know-how and their management.