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Árbol de páginas

The intellectual property of a literary, artistic or scientific work belongs to the author simply due to the fact that he or she has created it. The law distinguishes two types of rights:

  • Moral rights that are inalienable and cannot be waived.
  • Exploitation rights that are transferable and have a temporary validity period, after which they become public works. These are specified as follows, with the owner deciding which uses are authorized and which are not.
  • Reproduction. Direct or indirect fixation, whether provisional or permanent, by any means and in any form, of all or part of a work. Reproducing therefore involves photocopying, printing, digitizing, changing media or downloading from the Internet.
  • Distribution. Making the original work or copies of it available to the public on a tangible medium, by sale, rental, loan or in any other way. This presupposes the existence of physical copies.
  • Public communication. Any act by which a plurality of persons may have access to the work without copies having been distributed to them beforehand. It is not necessary for the user to have access to the work, it is enough for it simply to be made available to the public. This applies when the work is uploaded to the Internet.
  • Transformation. This refers to any translation, adaptation and other modification of the form of the work from which a different work is derived.