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Árbol de páginas

Your thesis is submitted via a computer application, as per the regulations of the Doctoral School. Your thesis will be sent to RiuNet; you don't have to do anything else.

For the deposit in RiuNet of theses read before the entry into force of Real Decreto 99/2011, de 28 de enero, you must fill in and sign the authorisation form and send it to the Doctoral School. They will include your thesis in the RiuNet gateway with the current theses that must pass through the Real Decreto 99/2011.

If the Doctoral School does not have the full text, you must also provide them with a copy so that they can include it in your file along with the rest of the metadata: author, title, abstract and keywords.

The contract for the deposit of doctoral theses is valid for theses read before the entry into force of Real Decreto 99/2011, de 28 de enero.