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The pre-registration or application to  access to a PhD, will be resolved by the Academic Committee of the program that is requested.

An application may be:

  • Admitted
  • Rejected
  • Admitted with Training Complements

The Training Complements are assigned when the Academic Committee that studies the application understands that the candidate has a lack of training to develop the thesis. In these cases it is required that the candidate complete a number of subjects from a master's degree related to the program. You can find more information about the admissions with Training Complements in this link.

The admission resolution to a PhD program is valid for two academic years. This means that the student can complete the enrollment in the same course in which he is admitted or in the next.

It is VERY IMPORTANT to note that the enrollment should only be completed when the student is 100% sure of wanting to start the doctorate. If the development of the thesis is conditioned to obtain a predoctoral grant, the registration must not be formalized until this grant is obtained.

Although the call for enrollment is made automatically at the moment of the admission (pre-registration) and the term that is offered is 10 days from admission (the general of the UPV), this period may be extended by request of the student to the Doctoral School at any moment.

The enrollment is done online, starting from the personal INTRANET UPV page, once identified in the UPV systems as a student. The option to choose is "Secretaría Virtual – Automatrícula".

Please, note that an academic year at UPV begins in September and ends in July, regardless of the date on which enrollment is completed.