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Once the first draft of the thesis (version 1) is completed, an external evaluation process must be passed. The first step will be to pass a process for plagiarism detection.

To be able to initiate this process it is required:

  • Have completed the minimum number of hours of activities required by the doctoral program (recognized in the doctoral student's academic record).
  • Having completed the first draft of the thesis agreed by the thesis supervisors

previous step of anti-plagiarism control has been completed, the process of external evaluation of the thesis draft begins.

The draft of the thesis (V1) will be sent automatically to Turnitin, a tool for plagiarism detection.After the successfully pass of this first step, the draft will be sent to a group of researchers external to from outside the UPV and experts in the subject topic of the thesis.

The process starts initial proposal of professors who will review the thesis can be done by the supervisors of the thesis director, making the proposal of external evaluators, although it will always be the responsibility of the Academic Committee to approve the final proposal, which may or may not coincide with the initial one.

You can check the detail about the process in this link.
