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The day after the validation of the defence record by the Doctoral School, the new doctor will receive an email with instructions to start the management of the request for his degree.

The amount of the fee to apply for the issuance of the title can be viewed from this link.

The denomination of the degree issued by the U.P.V. will be "Doctor by the Universitat Politècnica de València", with the following details:

  • Access degree for doctoral studies
  • Academic structure responsible (UPV doctoral school)
  • PhD program 
  • Qualification of the doctoral thesis (granted by the tribunal)
  • Date of the defense of the doctoral thesis.
  • Date of payment of fees for the application for the doctor's degree.

From the day following the application for the degree, the new doctor may obtain a provisional certification of the doctoral degree (the official name is "Supplementary Certification", and you can download it from the UPV Intranet, Virtual Secretary // Requests). This certificate is in Spanish, Valencian and English and is validated by an institutional digital signature.

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 After 2 to 6 months from your application, the definitive degree (diploma) will be issued. The doctor will receive a notification confirming it.

 At this link you can find more information regarding the withdrawal of the definitive degree (diploma).

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